
Office Administration BO1

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 14 years, 4 months ago

The Office Administration BO1 group page. Please add your name to the table below. Add the information under the headings given.


Ideas for keyboarding tasks to practice in your teams:


a) cover the keyboard so that you don't look at the keys

b) type as fast as you can for one minute

c) type as slowly as you can for one minute - but NEVER look at the keys

d) the leader can call out letters and the others type - try to call out fast, then slow. Start with the home row first.

e) the leader can demonstrate current typing - how to put your hands on the keyboard, how to type letters on the top row and the bottom row


Try to think of your own ideas too and share with the rest of the class.


Your name  Career hopes (what will you do next?)  Team colour  Keyboarding tasks completed WPM  Accuracy 


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