
Improving speed and accuracy

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 12 years, 11 months ago

This page has information to help you improve your keyboard speed and accuracy.


Remember that your goal in this course is to have 98% or more accuracy. You need to improve your accuracy before you try to type faster.


Your goal for speed is 30 wpm.


Your marks will be based on the average speed of your 3 best timed writings with 98% accuracy. Your keyboarding mark is 10% weighting for the course.


Check the keyboarding homework instructions for each week in the course schedule. Make sure that you practice for 30 minutes each day.


Below is a YouTube video showing the correct keyboarding technique.




Practice software if you don't have KeyChamp http://www.keybr.com/  
Before you start practice, you need to warm up. Click on this link to meet Joe the Australian footballer.



Joe the keyboarding coach
by: mafimish





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