
Welcome to Keyboarding

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 13 years ago


 Hello. My name is Mara, Princess of Speed - the Office Administration superhero.


I have two weapons - speed and accuracy! Please join me.


You need good keyboarding skills if you want to be good in an office job.


Click on the links below to find out how you can improve your keyboarding speed and accuracy in the next few weeks.



Student pages 



Task pages


  • Spelling - a list of words that you need to know in office administration and keyboarding. Add your definition.
  • Keyboard technique - watch a video which shows how to type with speed and accuracy.
  • Fun and Games - word games, videos and other things to give you ideas to improve your speed and accuracy
  • Keyboarding Record - add your name to the table. Your speed and accuracy results will be inserted each week.
  • Sitting correctly - complete a questionnaire about the correct posture for keyboarding.


Help pages


  • FAQs - your questions about keyboarding are answered by Dara, Princess of Speed. 











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