
Course Outline

Page history last edited by Diane Evans 14 years, 4 months ago


Welcome to Keyboarding

Course Outline



Office Hours:





Goals of the Course

Develop keyboarding skills to a minimum of ? wpm speed and ?% accuracy.



We will be using an electronic textbook for this course, you can find it here: (link to textbook)



Graded Course Components




Wiki Participation 

XXXXX summary of each chapter/week



Problem Sets and Notebook 

Much of our class time will be spent working in teams and individually on problem sets. These problem

sets form the core of the course. They will encourage you to sharpen your conversation skills 



Timed writings will take place each week. Your final mark will be based on your average speed of your best three timed writings with 98% accuracy. 


Other Information




Incomplete Grades

According to the university, the grade of "incomplete" is reserved for "exceptional cases, where an unanticipated event beyond ones control interferes with a student's completion of course requirements."  






Date Session Name Materials Assignment
3/10 Intro to PBworks, Part 1


Create your own PBworks.
3/17 Intro to PBworks, Part 2 Handout: "Sharing your Workspace" Share your workspace with your teammates.


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